Bourbon Street Paraders
Reprinted from "Crown Jewels of the Wire", April 1997, page 11
As you know, I make my living as a jazz saxophonist and band leader (That's
me on the far right!) here on Cape Cod. I thought you and your readers might get
a kick out of this photo of us performing in our "workplace" of the
past three years.
We play in the lobby or atrium of Jordan's Furniture Store
(Yes, folks, really, a steady jazz gig in a furniture store!) in Avon,
Massachusetts, which is close to Boston. Jordan's is the largest furniture
store, volume-wise, in the country. And look at the display area in the lobby
where we perform -- right above our heads on a small telephone pole, are four
purple W.G.M. Co. CD 121 toll insulators. Actually, there were four Hemingray
CD 121's in aqua, but since one of the store's "colors" is purple, I
replaced them with the W.G.M.'s. I would guess that I am one of the very few
people besides professional linemen who actually have insulators as part of the
"decor" in their work. And every time I look up, instead of stars, I
see purple!
Lee Childs,
Bourbon Street Paraders