The Telegrapher
Reprinted from "Crown Jewels of the Wire", April 1997, page 27
This article appeared in the September 30, 1871 edition of The
It was sent for reprint by Ronald J. Souza, Western Telegraph Association.
The Telegrapher
Vol. VIII.-No.6. |
New York, Saturday, September 30, 1871. |
Whole No. 272 |
Original Articles
Notes on the Glass Insulator
The first telegraphic insulator used in America was composed of cloth,
saturated with gum lac, and wound around the line wire at the point of contact
with the supports. This was on Morse's experimental line between Baltimore and
Washington in 1844. It was very soon discovered that this plan would not answer.
Various other methods of insulating the wire were suggested, but finally it was
determined upon to employ glass -- a substance that combined the requisite
mechanical strength with the most perfect non-conducting qualities, and
moreover, was not liable to decay from exposure to atmospheric influences. From
that day to this the glass insulator, in one form or another, has been one of
the recognized "institutions" of American Telegraphy.
The first glass
insulator was a simple knob, like a bureau handle, mounted upon a wooden pin.
Experience soon showed that although the glass itself was, for all practical
purposes, a perfect non-conductor, yet the moisture which accumulated upon the
surface of each insulator in damp weather and especially during rain, formed a
continuous conductor for the escape of the electric current from the wire to
the support, and the aggregate of these leakages was often more than equal to
the conducting capacity of the wire itself.
Some inventive genius, whose name
the writer has unfortunately not been able to ascertain, undertook to form the
glass so that its lower portion should form an overhanging drip or shed, and
thus break the continuity of the line of watery connection between the wire and
the support. This was the origin of the well known "umbrella" insulator, which after one or two
experiments, finally assumed the form shown in Fig. 1, which it has
substantially retained to the present day.
The employment of the overhang or drip, though it sensibly diminished the
evil it was intended to counteract, did not by any means entirely prevent it. In
long continued rains, when the atmosphere becomes saturated with moisture, and
especially when a rise in temperature causes this moisture to be condensed upon
the glass, the surface underneath the drip soon becomes covered, in common with
every other portion of the insulator, with an unbroken and continuous film of
water, which is attended with a corresponding escape of electricity. This fact
has always constituted the chief objection to the employment of glass as an
insulator, as it has been found practically impossible to prevent this deposit
of moisture upon its surface under certain atmospheric conditions.
In order to
form a correct conception of the part actually played by the glass insulator
under the atmospheric conditions above referred to, it is necessary to consider
the insulator-- or rather the film of water upon its surface -- as a conductor; its
value, in the connection, depending upon its resistance to conduction. Following
the ordinary law of conductors, the greater the length of surface between the
wire and supporting pin, and the smaller the diameter of the insulator, and
consequently the breadth of the conducting film upon the surface, the greater will be its resistance and the better the
insulation. A moment's reflection will convince anyone of the correctness of
this theory, which has been abundantly verified by experiment.
The form of
insulator shown in Fig. 1, viewed in the light can hardly be regarded as a
success. The length of the surface from the point where the line wire attached,
at 1, to the point of drip at 2, and thence to the point of contact with the
supporting pin at 3, is rather short than otherwise, while its diameter, and
consequently the breadth of the conducting film, is almost as great as it is
possible to make it. The broad and shallow cavity underneath offers every
facility for the entrance of fog and the deposition of moisture, while the thin
projecting flange is easily broken by a light blow from a stone or other
missile, and the value of the insulator thereby reduced to nearly nothing; yet
many telegraphers, even at the present day, consider this form, or some other as
near like it as possible, about the ne plus ultra of insulation. In point of
fact it is, both in respect of strength and of electrical resistance, the very
worst form of glass insulator now in use.
About the year 1850 or '51 Wm. M.
Swain, who was then President of the "Old Magnetic Line" between New
York and Washington, designed the well known "egg insulator," shown in
Fig. 2. Considering the imperfect state of electrical knowledge at that time,
there is a wonderful amount of ingenuity and adaptation to circumstances
displayed in this design. It not only stamps its author as a man of decided
originality but also of sound practical common sense. It is very much to be
regretted, on this account, that he did not remain in the telegraph business the
rest of his life.
In designing the model of this insulator Mr. Swain succeeded
in combining excellent insulating qualities with the highest degree of strength
and durability. The general form of the egg or double cone is the strongest that
could possibly have been selected. In fact, it has not been an uncommon
occurrence for one of these insulators to be dropped from the top of a high pole
upon a stone pavement without material injury. Under the ordinary conditions of exposure in the telegraphic service they are very rarely
In considering its insulating qualities, we find that the conducting
surface constantly grows narrower from the wire at 1 to support at 3 (see Fig.
2). During rain a portion of the falling water drips from the flange below the
wire at the point 1, thus reducing the conduction from thence to the point 2.
The insulating spaces between 2 and 3, although too short (and this is the
principal defect in the design), is of great value in point of resistance, on
account of its narrowness -- or, in other words, its small diameter -- which is
rendered possible by the use of an iron support in place of the wooden pin
previously used. This support was an iron L shaped arm, driven into the post.
The whole formed a most substantial and durable mode of construction, which was
actually better, both in design and execution, than that usually employed at the
present day.
The effect of the adoption of Mr. Swain's improvements in
telegraphic construction upon the receipts of the Magnetic Company's lines was a
Mr. Swain was elected President in 1850. It probably required about a year
for him to get his improvements well under way, and the next year following
(1852) shows an increase in the receipts of nearly fifty percent!
The egg
insulator, upon an iron support, was also quite extensively used from 1851 to
1860 upon many of the telegraph lines in the Eastern and Middle States.
Figure 3. Is an insulator which was taken from an old Fire Alarm wire in
Providence, R.I., and, as near as can be ascertained, originated in Boston. As will be
seen upon inspection, it is an improvement upon Mr. Swain's model in one very
important respect, vis., the narrowness and depth of the inner cavity. Its only
drawback is an insufficiency of material, and therefore of strength at the top,
above the upper end of the support. Like the Swain model it is designed to be
fixed upon an iron arm.
After the egg insulators had been in use several years
the wire began to work very badly, and show a great deal of escape in wet
weather. This was principally caused by the surface of the glass deteriorating
from exposure, and becoming coated with dirt and smoke from locomotives and
other sources.
The true cause, however, was not as that time understood or even
suspected. The managers of telegraph lines "jumped" to a conclusion,
which, as usual, was an erroneous one -- that the trouble was owing to the egg
insulator being too small at the bottom. A certain distinguished advocate of
glass insulation remarked: "When I find that a parasol is a better thing
than an umbrella in a big rain, then I shall begin to believe that the egg glass
insulates better than the umbrella" The iron supports also came in for a
large share of the general condemnation.
So all the "egg glasses" and
iron arms were thrown away, and a new era of experimenting commenced. Many lines
adopted the hard rubber insulator, and others the Lefferts plug. The advocates
of glass returned to the old "umbrella" (Fig. 1), which they mounted
on wooden pins, under the mistaken idea that these helped insulation. This was
true to a certain extent, but, on the other hand, the larger opening beneath the
insulator, rendered necessary by the greater diameter of the wooden support,
much more than made up the difference.
Another popular fallacy, that prevailed
extensively about his time, was that the larger the insulator, and the more
glass there was in it, the better it would insulate! This absurd idea, which, it
is almost needless to say, was directly the reverse of the truth, was carried
out on a large scale on many lines that might be mentioned. The result, of
course, was far from satisfactory.
The pattern of insulator shown in Figure 4 was designed in 1865 by Mr. M.L. Wood, General Superintendent of the United
States Telegraph Company. The internal screw thread shown was a subsequent
invention patented by L. A. Cauvet in 1865. This model was called the
"Compromise" insulator. It was intended as a sort of cross between the
"egg" and "umbrella" insulators, and appears to have been
designed under the very prevalent but entirely erroneous idea that the latter
was theoretically the best form of the two, but that, to obviate too great
liability to fracture, it was necessary to approximate somewhat to Mr. Swain's
pattern. In point of fact the "Compromise" does not insulator any
better, if as well, as Figure 2, and is greatly inferior to the latter in
strength. The design shown in Figure 3, on the other hand, is far superior to it
in both these important particulars. Mr. Wood afterwards improved the
arrangement very much by having a collar turned on the supporting pin, nearly
filling the mouth of the insulator. When the Western Union Company took
possession of the United States wires in 1866 they inherited this insulator, and
between that year and the present one that company has probably put up between
one and two millions of them, carefully discarding, however, their only
redeeming feature, the protecting collar on the supporting pin.
The Atlantic and
Pacific, Pacific and Atlantic, Franklin, and other competing telegraph
companies, who are always very careful to copy with ludicrous fidelity all the
electrical blunders of their great rival, also adopted this model of insulator
for their own wires. It is noticeable, however, that when the Western Union
people get up a good thing, which they do sometimes, the imitative capacity of
their competitors seems to suddenly fail!
Figure 5 is an insulator composed of kryolite, or hot cast porcelain, which
was designed by Messrs. Charles T. & J.N. Chester in 1869, and is used on
the Fire Alarm Telegraph wires in New York City. Careful tests show that the
material of which this insulator is composed is inferior to glass for this
purpose, as its surface has a greater tendency to collect and retain moisture,
but in its form it is far superior to any other which has yet been described. It
is, in fact, nearly as perfect in this respect as it is possible to make an
insulator composed entirely of glass or other equivalent material. It is of
small diameter, outside as well as inside, and the length of insulating surface
between the wire and the support is very great. It might be improved by making
it still smaller, especially on the inside, and using an iron support instead of
a wooden one.
Figure 6 is a new model, which has very recently been adopted by
the Western Union Company, and which they will hereafter use in place of that
shown in Fig. 4. It is made of light green glass, and is copied partly from the
Chester model (Fig. 5), and partly from the Varley or English insulator. In so
far as it resembles the Chester it is good, but the Varley characteristics are
very objectionable as applied to this insulator, although in the original design
they are much less so.
It will be noticed that the inner cavity of the new
insulator is nearly like that of the Chester model, being narrow and very deep.
This is the really valuable insulating feature in both models; but, in
attempting to still further increase the distance between the wire and the pin,
the former is carried nearly to the top of the insulator, as shown in the
figure. The gain in this respect over the Chester model is only five eighths of
an inch, and is all on the outside, where it is fully exposed to the wet.
Practically, therefore, it does not count much. On the other hand, it gives rise
to two serious mechanical difficulties. The leverage on the wooden pin is
increased rendering it more liable to break or give way, and the position of the
groove so near the top renders the latter very liable to crack off. When this
happens there is nothing whatever to hold the wire -- it slips over the top of the
pin, and away it goes. The original Varley insulator, being made of stoneware, is not liable to break in this way; and being mounted on an iron,
instead of a wooden pin, the increased strain on the support causes no
particular inconvenience.
Considering its insulating qualities alone the new
Western Union insulator is immensely superior to their old model, shown in Fig.
4. For practical purposes, however, the Chester model (Fig. 5), if executed in
glass, would be superior to it, although, as before stated, the latter might be
still further improved by being made with a narrower opening and placed upon an
iron support.
From what has been said it will be seen that the insulating
properties of glass are purely a question of surface, and that the ingenuity of
the designers of glass insulators has necessarily been exerted to make the line
of superficial conduction as long and as narrow as possible, and yet preserve
the necessary mechanical strength. It will readily be understood that there is a
limit to all improvements in this direction, which has nearly been reached in
figures 5 and 6.
The new insulator which has just been bought out by Messrs. C. T. & J. N.
Chester carries out the principle above referred to apparently to its utmost
limit. It is shown in elevation in Fig. 8. The wire is supported by three prongs
upon an iron ring surrounding the glass, but touching its surface only at three
small points. The breadth of semi-conducting surface in contact with the
conductor is thus reduced from three inches to three eighths of an inch, and the
leakage of current over the surface of the glass diminished precisely in a
corresponding rate. In principle it is decidedly the greatest improvement which
has ever been made in glass insulators. Experience will probably show the
necessity of some modification in the mode of securing the iron ring shown in
the figure. The screw will invariably be set up hard against the glass by the
line builders and repairers, which will tend to fracture the latter by the contraction
arising from changes in temperature. Some methods, doubtless, have to be devised
to prevent this trouble, which, however, need be a matter of no great
It is true that the glass insulator, even when improved eight to
tenfold in respect of electrical resistance, as it undoubtedly is by this
invention, falls far short of the high degree of perfection attained by the
paraffin insulator, yet the large class of telegraphic constructors who prefer
economy in construction to absolute perfection in results, will welcome an
invention that gives them a vastly improved insulator at a very slight advance
in cost.
In conclusion, a few words as to the method by which the comparative
value of different insulators is experimentally arrived at, may not be out of place. A number of
insulators of a given model, which are to be tested -- which ought not to be less
than ten to insure a fair average -- are mounted upon supports in the open air,
precisely as if on a line in regular service. A line wire is attached to the
whole number by means of wires, in the usual way. With a strong battery and
delicate galvanometer, arranged so that one end of the circuit connects with the
"line wire" and the other with the ground, the exact resistance of the
set of insulators in easily determined, and the average for each individual
insulator computed. The practical tests thus obtained have been found to
confirm, in all respects, the theoretical views set forth in the foregoing