Letters to the Editor
Reprinted from "Crown Jewels of the Wire", December 2003, page 3
Hemingray 42 - 42
Editor's note: On page 20 of the November issue of Crown
Jewels, we pictured a Hemingray CD 154 that had the numbers "42"
embossed on both its front and back sides. N.R. "Woody" Woodward sent
us this response:
"There is really no mystery here. The insulator is one of a not-uncommon
mold set. This one just happens to have the same mold number as the style number
of the insulator. The "Big Mold Number" set has always been a favorite
of mine. This is apparently the first numbered mold set for Hemingray, c.1932.
They are the "ice" color glass, used 1930 to 1935 production. 1933
starts the small numbers, with the Owens Illinois purchase: The O, then the O-4
and O-4. in 1934-35.
In my personal files I have a total of 41 molds of
this set represented, ranging in numbers from 1 to 68."
Crown Jewels owes an apology to Woody. On page ten of the November issue we
mistakenly attributed the source of some information to Elton Gish, when it was
really Woody who sent the data to us. Sorry, guys.
Van Walls, the collector who owns the Hemingray 42 - 42 emailed us this note:
"Got a letter from Ohio collector David Wilson. He has studied Hemingray
embossings and says that the 'back' 42 is most likely a mold #. He says mold #'s
first appeared in 1932."