1976 >> December  

Message to readers about contents for this month....



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The E-14 B Story


Reprinted from "INSULATORS - Crown Jewels of the Wire", December 1976, page 17


The darker shades, which tend to be more scarce, also tend to be in less than mint condition, while the lighter colors tend to be in better shape.

In addition to the E-14 B's that were found in Florida, some were located in the Muncie dump. These are reported to have been well mixed with other Hemingray experimentals. ...                    [more]


French Insulators



Dear Dora,

I have sent three photographs of some insulators in my collection. The first of these was taken at the Animas River in Colorado. The remains of an old porcelain "suicide box" was among some debris in a dry portion of the riverbed.                                                                           

...                    [more]


Porcelain Insulator News

   by Jack H. Tod


Dear Jack:

Enclosed is a sketch (below) of an insulator we found, and we wondered if anyone else has reported this before. Also we would appreciate any information regarding the markings on it, etc.                               
...                    [more]


The CD128 Hemingray E-14 B Story

   by Alan Rodgers


The E-14 B -- was it a secret government code? No, a most popular collector's item today. Its full name, Hemingray CS - E-14 B, has much significance to the modern day collector. Its beautiful colors have fascinated collectors since the first ones were discovered in the mid 1960's.

...                    [more]


Questions Answered by N. R. Woodward

   Author of The Glass Insulator in America and originator of C.D. #'s (Consolidated Design Numbers)


Terry W. Herron writes: Acquired a Hemingray D-513 in amber. Milholland book doesn't list this insulator in amber. Has anyone else reported having one? Found it in central Illinois.

- - - - - - - - - -

In reply to Terry W. Herron: Your amber D-513 is not too common, it would ...                    [more]


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The E-14 B Story


Reprinted from "INSULATORS - Crown Jewels of the Wire", December 1976, page 16


Most of these actually turned out to be in either poor condition or weak color.

Investigation of the peculiar insulator showed that this was indeed an experimental piece produced by Hemingray under the direction of Owens-Illinois. The remainder of the same line on which the E-14 B's were found, was ...                    [more]


The Museum of Independent Telephony

   by H. G. "Bea" Hyve


This summer it was our great fortune and even greater pleasure to attend the 7th National Insulator Association Convention in Berea, Ohio. We drove to the convention, and on our way home we had an unexpected and interesting adventure.                                                            

...                    [more]


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The E-14 B Story


Reprinted from "INSULATORS - Crown Jewels of the Wire", December 1976, page 15

by Alan Rodgers

The E-14 B -- was it a secret government code? No, a most popular ...                    [more]

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