Pages From Old Telephone Book
Reprinted from "INSULATORS - Crown Jewels of the Wire", January 1976, page 16
Following are a few pages from another old telephone book owned by Chris
Weston of Isle of Wight, England. This information on insulators was printed
about the turn of the century and contains information that we hope will be of
interest to our readers.
3. Insulators.
212. In the manufacture of the insulators two points have to be kept in view.
1st. The material. 2nd. The form.
1. The Material. -- The main object of course in the selection of this is to
find a substance which will offer the greatest possible resistance to the
passage of electricity. Nothing has yet been found which will perfectly
insulate; nor can a theoretically perfect body in this respect ever be looked
for. Porous substances are inadmissible on account of their absorbing moisture
too readily, and being thus transformed into conductors.
A glaze or surface can be imparted to them, but recourse should never be had
to this; only upon bodies which are in every respect suitable should a glaze be
put, and then for the purpose of forming a fine hard surface. A smooth hard
surface is indispensable; with it there is no danger of the wire being worn
through by friction, nor can dirt and dust adhere to the insulator so firmly as
not to be washed off by a good shower of rain.
213. Glass possesses both of the qualifications named above, viz., high
resistance to the passage of electricity and a smooth hard surface; but along
with these it has one inherent disadvantage which is fatal to its employment as
an insulator. It is a very hygroscopic body -- that is to say, it condenses the
moisture from the air very readily, and in a climate such as that of England it
is for this reason altogether unsuitable. The surface of a glass insulator will
be almost always covered more or less with a thin conducting film of moisture.
It is moreover very brittle, and was consequently abandoned in favour of one or
other of its rival competitors. Of late years, however, Mr. Brooks has
introduced in America a form of insulator which is manufactured from blown
glass, and is stated to have given very good results. These he considers to be
mainly due to the 'air surface' of the insulator, nothing but dry air being
allowed to come into contact with it whilst it is being manufactured.
214. Ebonite (1) is another substance which possesses many good points to
recommend it as an insulator. It offers a very high resistance; it is strong,
and when first used possesses a good smooth surface; it has an unassuming
appearance, and so escapes from wilful damage, where glass, porcelain, &c.,
owing to their inviting look, would run the risk of being broken. The great
defect which ebonite labours under, and that which practically precludes its
employment as an insulator when exposed to the weather, is the fact that its surface deteriorates rapidly. Instead of remaining smooth and hard as
when the insulator was first erected, it gradually becomes porous and spongy;
dirt and moisture form upon it, and so deprive the insulator of one of the first
qualities which it ought to possess.
215. Porcelain has been and is still largely employed in the manufacture of
insulators. Its insulating power is high; it possesses a good smooth surface;
and provided it has been perfectly vitrified throughout so as to be homogeneous,
impervious to moisture, and free from flaws, it is eminently adapted for the
formation of an insulator. Porcelain, however, varies very much in its quality;
and unless the manufacture has been thoroughly carried out, with the greatest
care, no reliance can be placed upon it. To all kinds of porcelain a glaze can
be communicated; and so long as this remains good, so long will the insulator
continue to give good results; but immediately the glaze cracks, which it soon
does, moisture enters the mass of it, is porous to any extent, and the value of
the insulator is greatly diminished. Unfortunately there is no means of testing
the manufacture when the insulator is new and the glaze has been imparted to it,
except by breaking it, and the integrity of the manufacturer has therefore to be
solely relied upon.
216. Brown Earthenware is the material from which most of the insulators
employed at the present day in England are formed. It does not insulate so
highly as good porcelain, nor can it be so perfectly glazed, but it is produced
with greater uniformity of quality, and its manufacture can be more thoroughly
relied upon. It possesses the further advantage of cheapness over the materials
which have been already named.
217. 2. The Form. -- Equally important as the material of which an insulator
should be composed is the form which should be given to it. In considering this
the main object to be kept in view is the same as in the selection of the
material, viz. the highest possible resistance to a leakage of the current; at
the same time the strength of the insulator as a support must not be altogether
lost sight of. Seeing, however, that the insulators have little more than the
weight of the wire to withstand, except at the terminal posts, no trouble is
experienced in suiting the form of insulator to this. The main difficulty which
has to be surmounted is the leakage which takes place more or less at every
support; every insulator is to a certain extent a fault, and the magnitude of
the fault depends upon the form which the insulator possesses. The passage of a
current of electricity through the wire depends upon the gauge of the latter; it
is a function of its mass. The same cannot be said of the insulator; the
resistance to the path of the current, instead of depending upon the mass of the
insulator, is mainly a question of surface. The most perfect form of insulator
will be that in which the surface exposed is a minimum, and the wire is as far
as it can be from the insulator's support, due allowance being of course made for the insulator itself being
sufficiently strong.
218. Numerous forms have from time to time been tried; that which is in
general use in England with the brown earthenware is shown in fig. 109. It
consists of two distinct and separate cups c and c', which are fitted into each
other by means of a cement composed of equal parts by weight of fine Pit sand,
Portland cement, and plaster of Paris. Into the inner cup c a galvanized iron
bolt b is inserted and fixed by means of a cement composed of
5 parts by weight of clean river sand, sifted.
3 parts by weight engine ashes (from an old engine fire-box).
2 parts by weight pine resin.
A groove is cut on the surface of the outside cup, and into it the line wire
is placed and firmly bound, as will be afterwards explained. This form of
insulator combines several advantages, to which attention may briefly be drawn.
Whatever current escapes from the wire in the groove must make its way over
the entire surface of both cups before it can reach the bolt, By having two cups
again; greater reliance can be placed upon the quality of the earthenware; the
two small pieces can be better burnt and vitrified than one larger portion; and
the probability of flaws or faults occurring in such cup is very remote. At the
same time by means of this arrangement one portion of the insulator is open to
the cleansing action of the rain which serves to remove any dust or dirt apt to
adhere to it; whilst the other is kept dry, and in wet weather continues to
offer considerable resistance to any escape of the current.
219. Another form of insulator employed in England on minor lines is that
known as the 'Z' insulator, and shown in fig. 110 it closely resembles the form
already described, and differs from it in having a double cup c all formed of
one piece of earthenware instead of two separate cups fitted into each other.
220, When the insulators have to be protected from either wilful or
accidental damage, such as that occasioned by stone-throwing and the like, it is
customary to cover them with an iron cap, and bind the wire into a small lug
upon the surface of it. The inconvenience attending the use of iron caps is
occasioned by the accumulation of dust, insects, &c., beneath the hood: the
iron cap protects them from the cleansing influence of the rain, and so leads in
time to a deterioration of the insulation. An effort has been made to get over
this by cutting slits in the iron cap, and although this has to some extent
remedied the evil, yet only where actually rendered necessary by either of the
causes named above should iron-capped insulators be had recourse to.
221. Great difficulty is invariably experienced in preserving the insulation
upon those lines which skirt the seacoast no matter what material is employed or
what form of insulator is adopted. The insulator becomes coated with salt, which
being more or less moist, conducts in all except the driest possible weather.
The difficulty is greatly increased when the wind is from the sea. Upon no
account should iron-capped insulators be made use of upon such lines as these;
advantage should be taken of the rain to the utmost for washing the salt from
off the outside surface at least of the outer cup; it materially improves the
insulation. Wire covered with tarred tape or hemp is occasionally employed in
extreme cases of this nature; but by chaffing against the insulator the tape or
hemp gradually gets rubbed off, and leaves the wire exposed just at the point
where protection of this nature is most required. Open wires skirting the
sea-coast should therefore be resorted to only when no other route by which they
might be carried is available.
(1) Ebonite is a mixture of two or three parts of sulphur and five parts of
caoutchouc baked for several hours at 170 degrees F. under a pressure of four or
five atmospheres.