Letters to the Editor
Reprinted from "INSULATORS - Crown Jewels of the Wire", February 1984, page 31
Dear Dora,
Just a line to let you know I still enjoy your
In Nov. 1983 C.J. Luther Gunn had a drawing of a what's-it. Well,
if it is square in shape, it is identical to eight of these that I have. Four
are light SCA. They are legs off of battery cabinets. The cabinets that mine
came from were made of oak and had drawers to hold the batteries. The voltages
were of various amounts and used for various purposes.
If anyone wants more
information, I would be glad to inform, if they would write and enclose a
stamped self addressed envelope.
Thanks again for an enjoyable year and many
more ahead.
Syd McNeely
Bountiful, Utah
Mrs. Harned,
Enclosed are pictures of
two wooden insulators. Both are threaded on inside. Not much is known of their
history except that they supposedly came from San Francisco about the time of
the earthquake. Can you help me find out about them or put me in touch with
someone. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Mrs. Franna Howard
Breeze Park
Houston, TX 77015