Research Division
Reprinted from "INSULATORS - Crown Jewels of the Wire", February 1971, page 14
I have found an insulator that is very interesting. In every book I have
checked or collector I have talked to I have not been able to come up with any
information about it. I hope you will put the enclosed drawing in your research
section to help me find out if any other collectors have one or know anything
about it.
The enclosed drawing is actual size, and the measurements are with it. The
insulator is mint in aqua color, threaded, and does not have an inner skirt. The
only embossing is a patent date, Aug 29 - 93, which I haven't heard of either.
I would appreciate any information I can get on this insulator and/or the
patent date. I have been assuming the patent date covers the flat sides.
Arch H. Poeppel
63 Myrtle Street
Bridgeton, N. J. 08302
I wonder how many of your readers have a Brookfield CD# 102 (1 think)
embossed W. Brookfield New Yopk on dome? This is the only one like it I have
Mike Newcomer
22371 Hartman Dr.
Los Altos, Calif. 94022
Dear Madam:
I am sending you photographs of my S. McKee insulators and Mulford and
These two pictures are a few of my Mulford & Biddle collection. I have 20
of them. In the first picture are: left, plain Mulford & Biddle; center,
Chester, N.Y.; right ' Mulford & Biddle U. P. R. R.
The lower picture is the same, except I put in a U. P. R. R. one with a
corrosion deposit on it.
All my S. McKees and Mulford & Biddles are a light blue green to a dark
Have an item to add to the B. G. M. Co. mystery. I have just obtained a
Brookfield/New York CD 162 that is almost identical in shape to my B. G. M. Co.
in light S. C. A. Only the skirt thickness varies slightly between them. On the
New York side, the mold has definitely been changed from B. G. M. Co. The filled
in embossing lines up exactly with the B. G. M. Co. embossing. And some
Brookfields do come in this same shade of lt. S. C. A.
Marvin Collins
Cherry Court
Eureka, Calif. 95501
I recently found a "Star" signal in S. C. A. Its color is near
light plum. I haven't seen it on any list. Do you think it is rare? I wish you
and your staff much success in 1971.
Phil Klabel
RR 1
Peru, Ill.
I haven't seen any of these, either, on lists or elsewhere. There must be
more than one, but where are they? (Editor)
I'd like to ask about an insulator I pulled down from a tree. It is a
Lynchburg 36 in which the embossing has been stamped over Brookfield New
The writing is very faint, and there are some letters in Brookfield New York
that you can't see, but the letters that you can see all fit. Also, a few fellow
collectors looked at it and agreed that it was probably once a Brookfield. Any
info on this? I think everybody should take a closer look at their Lynch bergs.
Thank you very much for reading this. Like all other subscribers I'm enjoying
your magazine very much.
Bart Magoffin