Canadian Forum
By Robin Plewes
Reprinted from "Crown Jewels of the Wire", March 2004, page 12
Welcome to a resurrection of sorts. A few years ago Mark Lauckner started
this column to offer an insight into Canadian insulators. Mark has had a number
of projects on the go these past few years, and his time to write has been very
limited. I approached him a while back and inquired as to his thoughts on the
"Canadian Forum". He's passed the header to me and while I can't write
in the detail that he did (does), I hope to be able to offer a word or two on
Canadian insulators.
An introduction of sorts:
I've been collecting insulators in an organized
manner since the early 90's. Before then, I had an interest in insulators, but
collected with no real direction. I can remember my dad and I gathering up
little piles of insulators along the side of a dirt road somewhere, while we
were on a summer vacation. That must have been in the late 70's. Thinking back,
it must have been a rural open wire phone system that was being taken down.
As my collection grew, space became an issue. My first specialization phase
resulted in most of my porcelain insulators being passed on to others. There
have been several more phases as my collection evolves. I'm sure this is a topic
that is familiar to most collectors. Unfortunately, space is a constraint that
most of us have to deal with at some point in our collections.
One of the main considerations that guides my collection, is that I like to
look at a row of one insulator style in a range of colors or embossings. I do
have a few one-of-a-style insulators, to add a bit of diversity. Mostly I stick
to telephone and telegraph styles with a slight preference for Canadian glass
over American glass. The American glass does have some attractive colors not
found in Canadian insulators though.
I've found most collectors to be "good eggs" and enjoy speaking and
dealing back and forth with other collectors, both far and near. Computers and
the internet have allowed many of us to enhance our collections in ways that
would have been nearly impossible before they became commonplace. Likewise, this
column would not be happening for me, were it not for e-technology.
I hope this column becomes a regular feature for readers to learn about and
discuss Canadian insulators. Stories, articles, reviews and general information
are all areas that may be covered in "Canadian Forum". Feel free to
drop CJOW or myself a note if you have anything you would like to see covered in
the way of Canadian insulator news or information.
Good Collecting.......... Robin
Late Breaking News...
For those of you who can make it out to the Ottawa
Valley Insulator Collectors show in Perth Ont., John and Carol McDougald are
planning on bringing their cameras to gather pictures of nice Canadian
insulators for their upcoming color insulator book. Let's show off some Canadian
Details on OVIC 2004 can be found in the upcoming shows section of this
Robin Plewes, Almonte Ontario. Phone: 613-256-7638