1981 >> March >> Editorial  


Reprinted from "INSULATORS - Crown Jewels of the Wire", March 1981, page 3

Volume 13, Number 1 That's what this issue is! It's hard to believe twelve years have gone by since the birth of INSULATORS Crown Jewels of the Wire in March 1969.

In January and February of 1969 we sent out subscription flyers in letter form to what few collectors we knew or had addresses on, and every collector seemed to like the idea of a magazine of their own on collecting insulators. I think our first mailing in March 1969 totaled 186 subscribers. Not even enough to qualify for a 3rd class mailing permit. But in a couple months we applied and received a 3rd class bulk mailing permit. In January 1972 we went 2nd class mailing. 

The magazine continued to grow until it seemed to reach its peak in 1975 and 1976. Then it leveled off and has declined somewhat. Some of the decline has been due to the economy, I'm sure. If you don't have the money, your magazine subscriptions are first to go. Then, too, in our earlier years of collecting, the pickings were easy. Many lines still had good insulators, and the linemen 'in the know' had a field day. In the course of their work they could get these insulators and turn them to collectors for a nice little profit. I think this is laughingly referred to as 'fringe benefits'. I know Don and I have, in the course of our insulator collecting, contributed to a swimming pool, race car, college education, and who knows what else! 

Then, too, there are many earlier collectors who still have their insulators, but packed away in attics, garages, basements, etc. Other more important things have taken priority in the course of every day living. Several of these collectors have renewed their subscriptions and have become active again this past year. It seems there are always new collectors to take the places of ones who sell out. Our advertisers tell us sales are terrific through their ads in Crown Jewels. This shows that the newer collectors out there across our land are a 'buying public'. 

Some collectors are isolated and don't get to shows and sales, so their contact with the insulator collecting world is through the pages of Crown Jewels. I'm glad we are here to serve them. I just hope we can continue to do so. Drat that darn Postal Service! They are talking about raising the postal rates again. If they do, you can expect a raise in your subscription price. It just can't be helped, but I hate the thought with a passion. I'm sure they are trying to do us under with their poor service and higher rates. If their delivery service would improve, we wouldn't mind as much. 

Due to my broken leg and complications from it, we missed the National Insulator Association Convention last year, and we sure were disappointed in not being able to see all our friends across the Nation and Canada. Even though I am still having a few complications, we plan on being at the National in Sacramento this coming July, renewing our friendships and making new friends. 

Until last year I had never in my life had any health problems. It has taught me something: Get out and go whenever you can, do all the things you like to do, value your friendships, and live life to the fullest. I came pretty close to 'checking out' last year, and I found I don't want to do that for several more years. I want to continue to bring you all the latest words on the 'goings on' in the insulator world.

We all owe our Thanks to my family and friends, our good contributors of news articles, show reports, etc. that have kept Crown Jewels coming to you.

Now a word about this directory. I know there will be address changes, plus new subscribers, and new N.I.A. numbers, before this gets printed; but we have to have a cut off date so that it can get printed. If you weren't included, or your N.I.A. number was left out, I probably received it too late to include, and I'm sorry. You can always use the free ad with your renewal , and be sure to give rne the information early for next year's directory. That's all for now. See you in July in Sacramento.

To Thank You as we'd like to do
Is far beyond our powers
For if we had no friends like you
There'd be no book like ours.
"Insulator Collectors are the Greatest"


P.S. If we made a mistake in your name, address, telephone number, or N.I.A. number, please send us a correction right we'll make it right in a future issue of Crown Jewels.

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