Reprinted from "INSULATORS - Crown Jewels of the Wire", March 1984, page 3
My! My! How time flies! We have fifteen years of successful
publishing behind us. When we started this publication in March 1969 I had no
idea that the years would pass so swiftly or the Crown Jewels would even become
After our very humble beginning, with a handful of stamps, a few
collectors' names and addresses, a borrowed portable typewriter, no experience
in publishing (but a very knowledgeable and capable printer), we have
survived. Crown Jewels continued to grow, peaking in 1975 and 1976. Since then
we have lost a few subscribers, and it seems to have leveled off in the last
three years. I have had many subscribers, that dropped their subscriptions ten
years or so ago, renew this year and become active again. Sometimes your
personal life or work interferes with being an active collector.
The insulator
collecting hobby has sure come a long way in fifteen years. No longer can you go
out and find insulators along the lines that are yours for the picking. (There
are exceptions to the rules, of course.) The whole country has been pretty well
picked over. Now the newer collector attends shows and answers ads to enhance
his collection, plus frequenting flea markets, yard sales and antique shows.
And, boy, have the insulator shows become more sophisticated! Fifteen years
ago they were held in someone's back yard and called swap-meets. You brought
your own table to set up and your own lunch. There are still a few of these once
a year in different parts of the country, but most shows are big time affairs
put on in air-conditioned buildings where you rent your table to set your goodies
on. There's not near the trading there used to be -- it's mostly selling and
buying. But it's still fun renewing friendships and meeting new collectors. I
love it! I still maintain that insulator collectors are like one big family, and
shows are like family reunions.
I would again like to take this opportunity to
Thank all the contributors of articles, information, etc. that goes to make Crown
Jewels every month. Without you we would not survive. Remember, we
cannot reproduce anything that is copyrighted without written permission. And
we need good, clear black and white photos. Cartoons should be on white paper
with black ink. Color does not reproduce well.
We have worked long and hard over
this directory, but I'm sure there are a few mistakes. For these I am sorry.
Please write and tell me (kindly, if possible), so I can correct my records for
future issues.
I wish each of you the best in the coming years, and may all your
hopes and dreams come true.
We'll see you all at Tacoma '84.