Left Coast Lines - News From The Western Region
By Mike Doyle
Reprinted from "Crown Jewels of the Wire", March 2004, page 37
The Winter 2003, Auburn, California, insulator and bottle show was held on
Friday and Saturday, the 5th and 6th of December. Each year, Pat & Shirley
Patocka, in cooperation with the 49er Historical Bottle Society, put on this
show at the Gold Country Fairgrounds. This year, Pat reorganized the dealer map
and improved the distribution of insulator, bottle, and collectible dealers
throughout both buildings. The result was that sales were brisk and the walk in
traffic was excellent. This is another of northern California's oldest shows and
it has such date equity that it needs very little advertisement. Dealers and
buyers keep this weekend open all year so that they can come from hundreds of
miles away to see the goodies and get caught up on hunts and finds with all of
their old friends.
You may remember that in past years this show has enjoyed a heart stopping
series of walk-in, and dealer surprise items. Last year, wasn't it a Micarta
Core suspension that stole the show? I think maybe Bill Rohde ended up with that
one. This year it was a toss-up between a beehive, a helmet and an EC&M.
Dwayne Anthony offered a mint condition, peach, California helmet to Ron Jenkins
who didn't have to be asked twice! Later, I saw Ron walking around the show
halls with this happy grin stuck on his face. Then there was this EC&M that
Dwayne described like this, "The EC&M was a deep milky jade
green...". Dwayne went on to say that he thought that it was an A mould item.
Anyway, Mike Guthrie apparently couldn't live without that EC&M, and now it
is enjoying retirement with a least forty of it's brethren.
Mike Doyle and Ian Macky try to figure out how to get lan's new
station post
out to the Triumph TR6 for the journey home.
(I-r) Tom, Frank and Larry just standin' around doin' what insulator and
bottle guys do.
There was one gentleman walking around, taking offers on a box of insulators
that included a butterscotch amber, HGCo Petticoat, CD145 beehive and a brightly
colored, CD162 HGCo signal. A couple of two-hundred pound, Electro-Vidro,
multiglass, station posts were sold to Ian Macky and Carver Meade. Frank Feher
delivered a CD123, apple green, G mould, EC&M to Mike Doyle, and Dave Brown
bought a pretty scarce California CD201 Tramp for his collection. Other sweet
pieces that changed hands at the show included two CD257 electric blue Mickey
Mice, a yellow CD260 California helmet(!), another Cal' helmet in green-streaked
sage, a tough-to-find, aqua Cal' helmet variant called a 'pinch ear', and a
yellow CD166 California.
Overall, the insulators offered at the show were fantastic! Larry Shumaker,
one of the dealers who always seems to have great insulators on his table was so
sick by Friday evening that he had to leave the show. Larry's friend, Scott
Prall, stepped up and covered for Larry for the rest of the show. Scott even
packed Larry's table and got it back down the hill. Larry is fine now, and we
hope to see him at the Rohde Roundup this spring. We were all excited to see
Mike and Cindy Guthrie who brought some beautiful old wood and iron hardware to
sell. On the other hand, we missed Linda and Steve Viola this year. Even though
Linda and Steve are now in Las Vegas, Nevada, we are holding out hope that we
will see them again. Maybe they will get an annual show started out there in
Lost Wages!?! Wouldn't it be fun to have a new insulator show out to the high
Golin Jung, Nor-Gal president, tries to focus on his
sales table, but he'd
really rather be making the rounds.
The highly anticipated return of Dale and Art Huber from their trip 'south'
was equal to its billing. The Bros. Huber, after a lengthy setup delay to give
themselves an opportunity to see everyone else's goodies, broke out the
kickinest assortment of Mexican Crown Jewels that anyone can remember seeing in
a long time. What a haul! Dale and Art brought back all sorts of stories and
photographs too. There was a crowd around their table throughout Friday evening.
The baubles included an incredible, bubbly green, slag glass, American CD145
beehive, a bunch of very crude, dark blue aqua, CD155's, which were straight from the Texcoco factory(!), and an awesome olive green
CD155 with an unlisted embossing. Mike McGuire, who wrote about his citrine
McLaughlin, CD164 find in the November 2003 issue of Crown Jewels of the Wire
Magazine, was also in attendance to share his story in person, and offer some of
the recently released LSV Jumbo commemoratives.
Greg Bickford, EG&M specialist, shares stories of collecting in the
Greg personally worked a line of amber EC&Ms when they were still
ripe for the pickin'!
Dealers who buy a table for the winter Auburn show have usually waited on a
list for a few (yes, a few!) years. Here at Left Coast Lines, some of us waited
four years. This show has all the bells and whistles: date equity, scores of
dealer tables, big walk-in crowds, free roast beef dinner, fresh cooked sausage
and eggs breakfast, some of the coolest folks in the hobby, and some of the most
hair raising glass available in the insulator and bottle collecting hobbies.
This is a show for everyone, every year. Don't miss it in early December, 2004!
(Left Coast Lines would like to thank the writers and photographers who
contributed material for this show report. We could not have produced it without
Now, all you thread-heads listen up: Getcher glass and mud traders into a
good, sturdy box. Getcher swap lists and price guides updated. Flip open yer
Crown Jewels to Coming Events, and click in the Show Finder for details on the
next swap meet or tailgater in your area. Dig that dusty wad-o-cash out of the
Fred Locke pinhole, and get all yer friends together for an insulator road trip