By N. R. Woodward
Reprinted from "Crown Jewels of the Wire", April 2004, page 11
Gary Strohm submitted this picture of a piece of glass he bought at a flea
market that was advertised as an insulator. It's green in color and embossed
"DANSK DESIGNS LTD," Gary asks, "What is it?"
Woody answers, "This item quite certainly is not an
"insulator", except in the sense that it is made of non-conducting
material. While similar to the class of insulators described as dead end shackle
or service rack spools, it would not fit because in those, the hole extends
entirely through the glass; and with a pinhole diameter typically less than 3/4
inch, with taper sufficient only to allow mandrel removal from the hot glass.
The marking "DESIGNS" would lead one's thinking in the direction of
a component to something of artistic value. The marking LTD would suggest
possibly British or Canadian origin, although these are only suggestions.
Truthfully, I have no hint as to the identity of this item."
Readers with ideas are welcome to write Crown Jewels.