Foreign Insulators
by Marilyn Albers
Reprinted from "INSULATORS - Crown Jewels of the Wire", May 1984, page 6
It is always rewarding to collectors,
especially to us foreign insulator enthusiasts, to learn of a manufacturer/distributor
that we have not known about heretofore.
Wayne Junop (Palmer Rapids, Ontario) is
responsible for the information in this month's column. Wayne is a former
insulator collector who now devotes himself to his full time hobby of collecting
telephones from many parts of the world. Naturally, through his efforts, he has
developed quite a few connections and has always been good to send me material
on foreign insulators whenever he has come across anything of interest.
recently mailed me two catalogs from the Hoyang Electrical Industry Co., Ltd.,
which is based in Taipei, Taiwan, and manufactures porcelain insulators. Quoting
from his letter of March 15, 1984:
"The Hoyang firm does manufacture most
of the items and their logo is on a few. However, they do handle the products of
other firms as well and this is a common way of business over in Taiwan these
days. So far I have not actually seen any of their insulators and few firms over
there will send you samples, as I have asked more than one already. The only
sample I ever got was the one I sent to you in the past." (It was a cute
little white porcelain insulator made by Tienta, a company with plants in Taiwan
and China, dated 1981. Nothing else is known about this company.)
In looking
over the catalogs Wayne sent, I see that besides porcelain pintype insulators
for high and low voltage, Hoyang manufactures and/or distributes spools,
shackles, strain insulators, suspension discs, transformers, switchgear,
hardware for overhead lines, lightning arresters, cables, wire, electrical
testing equipment, circuit breakers, motor starters, flood lights, light bulbs,
etc., etc. With all that, it has got to be a fair sized company!
A select few of
the many pintype insulators manufactured by Hoyang are shown below. These
drawings may or may not reproduce very well, since I had to make a Xerox of a Xeroxed
copy of their catalog! Notice how closely their telephone insulators resemble
styles made in England. The company's logo is shown above.
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