From The Editor's Desk...
Reprinted from "Crown Jewels of the Wire", May 1992, page 3
With this issue, I complete seven years of publishing Crown Jewels of the
Wire. It really seems like only yesterday that I finalized plans to purchase the
magazine from Dora Harned, CJ's originator and editor for sixteen years.
from its inception as a monthly publication, Crown Jewels offered a regular
means of communication for those who love to collect porcelain and glass
insulators. It provided a stimulus to the hobbyist and educational information
to the public as well. It weathered the ups and downs in our economy, inflation
in gasoline prices that kept many from traveling to shows and swap meets and
several years when there was a general decline in enthusiasm of collectors.
predicted that the subscribership of about 1,000 readers at the time of the
purchase in 1985 would increase with time. Today, there are nearly 1,650 copies
of Crown Jewels of the Wire magazine consumed each month by collectors.
If the
Insulator hobby could serve as a barometer of the national economy, the word
recession wouldn't exist. From my desk top, it looks like there are plenty of
new collectors and a great deal of enthusiasm for our hobby. The word INSULATOR
is definitely being spread.
The last six months have been a virtual nightmare
for Crown Jewels. There have been three, that's right, THREE different printers
used. It became so frustrating that I was convinced that the "pricey"
Chicago printing market could no longer print this magazine. Dora Harned used to
ship her magazine copy 500 miles south to a friend who did the printing and had
it shipped back to her by Greyhound bus for her to mail from her home in Chico,
California. I had a real problem with that as a solution....! haven't seen a
Greyhound go by our house in months!
We have found another printer which we hope
will be with us for a long time and have added equipment in our home to collate,
make the booklets and trim each issue. Our goal is to freeze all subscription
prices until such a time the U.S. Post Office makes us reconsider the economics.
Speaking of the Post Office....if there has ever been one constant about
publishing and editing this magazine, it is the complaints I field each month
from readers who haven't been able to purchase an insulator from an ad
"because someone else got his/her magazine FIRST." Each time such a
call comes in, I try not to take it PERSONALLY, but some people feel that they
should have their magazine mailed several days in advance so that it would
guarantee an equal chance on everything advertised. Now, I ask you, how would
you like to be tripping over 1,700 copies of Crown Jewels while you spend the
better part of a week second guessing the postal system and deciding whose
magazines you should mail three days early this month. The magazine is mailed in
a timely manner each month and there is just NO WAY I can predict what happens
after it leaves my post office.
Let me throw the ball into another court for a the advertiser. This is only a suggestion, but... WHAT IF....when
you place an ad in Crown Jewels you specify a date, an hour, or even the minute
you wish your ad to start. Maybe the 10th of the month would be appropriate.
Then, all of the subscribers who have paid a little more to get their magazine
early will have an equal opportunity to buy. It will then come down to who can
dial the advertiser's number the quickest at the appointed hour. Maybe you who
advertise will become virtual "heroes" in the hobby. And I will be
able to take off the villain's "black hat" and enjoy a month without
those calls that start out..... "I don't mean to complain, but I never get
what I want from ads, someone else gets there first, can you please mail my copy
a few days early.....?
Thank you for you support and here's to the start of
another year...