Advertising Through the Ages
by Robert Stahr
Reprinted from "Crown Jewels of the Wire", March 1995, page 19
We now have another insulator manufacture to research! I contacted Richard
Wentzel from Millville, New Jersey, to see if he could locate any more
information about T. C. Wheaton. Richard, as some of you know, has all of the
Whitall Tatum Company files and used to work at T. C. Wheaton, which is still in
business. He checked their archives, but the company didn't have any information
about insulator production. He also checked the local library for information and
didn't find anything either. If they did produce insulators, as the ad suggests,
they were probably unmarked. If anyone can help determine what insulators they
might have manufactured or has any additional information, let us know! See you
at Marlborough!
Electrical World, January 24, 1891