Research Division
Reprinted from "INSULATORS - Crown Jewels of the Wire", June 1970, page 26
From Bob and Carol Meszaros:
I note you don't hear from many people here on the East Coast, so I thought
I'd write and give you moral support form New Jersey:
I have enclosed a picture of an insulator that I have which I don't think is
too common. At least we have not seen any others like it. It's a
Hawley helmet CD 259. As you can see from the picture, the ears are
slightly damaged, but even so we love it. The "logo" embossing
appears on the front and embossed on the back is HAWLEY, PA.
We would be interested in hearing how many of your readers have seen or heard
of this Hawley helmet.
From K. L. Muse, Signal & Communication Engineer
I note in your January ("INSULATORS - Crown Jewels of the Wire", January 1970, pages
6 & 34) photographs of a ceramic insulator with a screw top. This
insulator is quite familiar to me as I have purchased hundreds of these in the
last 30 years. They were made for the Automatic Electric Company and sold
to railroads, pipelines and other companies who operated telephone lines several
hundred miles in length.
As you know the purpose of an insulator is to prevent leakage from the very
small electrical currents carried by a telephone wire. In a long telephone
circuit with numerous bridged telephones, the drop wires leading to the
telephone instrument caused considerable leakage in rainy weather, consequently
the "dry-spot" insulator was developed. This insulator was
substituted for one of the ordinary glass line insulators where a telephone was
to be installed. The insulated drop wires leading to the telephone was to
be installed. The insulated drop wires leading to the telephone were
brought through this insulator and the leads separated leading to each
individual line wire. This prevented electrical currents from leaking
along the surface of the insulated drop wires. There were various devices
of this kind made but this is the only one, with which I am familiar, that is
used as a line insulator as well as a "dry-spot."
In writing you I cannot refrain from comment on the Brookfield insulator
shown on page 33 ("INSULATORS - Crown Jewels of the Wire", January 1970). I have
just recently come across this style of insulator, an in this part of the
country I can assure you it is far from being common. It is very similar
to Tibbets No. 1-23, except for the drip points. I have 5 or 6 in my
collection. The error in embossing would make the one in the photograph
particularly rare, and I am sure that some day these will probably bring a nice
From R. E. Cleland: This is a catalog page describing Automatic
Electric Company S-4906 Dry Spot Insulator.
Size: 4" x 5 1/4"
Front: A.E. Co. Inc. Chicago, Ill. Rear: Pat Pendg
Brown glaze, screw off top
From Dale Dawson:
I enjoy the insulator magazine very much. ("INSULATORS - Crown Jewels of the Wire",
January 1970, page 27) I have seen the Bell. It is real pretty I don't
know why it was made. I doubt if there are many around. Southwestern
Bell serves Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Texas and Arkansas.
Crown Jewels of the Wire, January, page 34) I have one of these in
brown. They are also in white. I have seen the white ones, but don't
have one. I know where there are 3 or 4 of the brown ones. I will
try to draw how they work. They are called drop cap.
This is how its looks on the
pole and arm. The bridging wire comes up on one side and out the other to
the line wire. Bridging wires are paired.
I have the Lynchburg 38 (CD 164), Lynchburg 36 (CD 162) with and without drip
points, Lynchburg 31 (CD 112) with "XO" on top of dome. (Crown
Jewels of the Wire, January 1970, page 30)