Epilogue, Credits, Next Year
Reprinted from "Crown Jewels of the Wire", August 2006, page 48
Incoming NIA president Kevin Jacobson (center) congratulates 2006 Show Hosts
(left to right) Bob Berry, Carolyn Berry, Jim Bates, and Jack Roach for their
hard work and successful efforts.
At the NIA banquet, Bernie Warren (left) and his wife, Madeline, were given
the Association's highest honor. The "Lifetime Membership Award" is
presented to those who have made outstanding contributions to insulator
collecting over many years. Bernie and Madeline have been ambassadors of the
hobby to many countries as they traveled around the world building one
of the largest collections of foreign insulators. |
Insulators pictured on pages 32 & 33 & 35 are (or were) owned by
Dwayne Anthony, Ross Baird, Mark & Elaine Corriero, Ben Cox, Dudley Ellis,
Dan Gauron, Mike Green, Butch Haltman, Galen Howard, John McDougald, and Jim
Thanks to Bill Meier for arranging for wireless internet in the showroom.
Bill's exhibit at the show was an interactive computer quiz for insulator
collectors of all levels.
Photographs for this article were taken by Cheryl Jacobson, Kevin Jacobson,
Mike Green, and Howard Banks.
Thanks to Tommy Bolack for his grant to pay for color printing.
The National Show issue always seems to sell out. So we'll print a few extra
copies this year. If you want an extra, let us know. Howard & Linda
Jacqueline Linscott Barnes and Graham Barnes review the floor layout for
The National Insulator Association's 2007 National Show will be held June 22-24 in Orlando, Florida. The show will be held at the Holiday Inn International
Drive Resort & Convention Center, 6515 International Drive. Reservations can
be made on line at www.hi-drive.com with the code "NIA", or call the
hotel at 866-253-2183 and request the NIA block room rate of $105 per night plus
Area attractions include Disney World (10-miles away), Universal Studios
(less than a mile), Sea World (2 miles), Cocoa Beach (35 miles) and the Kennedy
Space Center (35 miles). That is, if you can tear yourselves away from the 101
insulator sales tables and two dozen exhibits.
And if you haven't had enough fun yet, you can join other insulator
collectors in attending Sea World's Makahiki Luau on Friday evening, June 22nd.
The dinner theater event costs $45 per adult and $35 per child.
The 38th National will be hosted by Jacqueline & Graham Barnes and their
grandson, Clay Bledsoe. For table and banquet reservations contact Jacqueline at
321-480-1800 or email: bluebellwt@aol.com