S. McKee Insulator
Reprinted from "INSULATORS - Crown Jewels of the Wire", August 1971, page 24
In the June issue you published a letter from Robert D. Cossaboom; he thought
his insulators might be a McKee covered by patent number 107, 075. It isn't as
you can see from the enclosed copy of the patent. So far as I know, none of
these have been found.
In the same issue there is a letter and sketch from Paul E. Mohrs concerning
a broken threadless he found. He suggests that it might be a "Leefers"
(probably meant Lefferts). His insulator is larger than a Lefferts (C-6 in
before threads) - in fact it's larger than any similar threadless that I know
about. Id say it's a unique find.
Dave Delling
130 Powell
Green River, Wyo. 82935