Operators Save A Town
Reprinted from "INSULATORS - Crown Jewels of the Wire", October 1984, page 7
The following is an interesting item clipped from the October,
1913, TELEPHONE ENGINEER, page 209. It was sent to us by one of our subscribers
some time ago.
Operators Save A Town
The heroism of two telephone operators
saved Creston, Ohio, from complete destruction by fire September 11 when
flames consumed six store buildings, representing a quarter of the business
section of the town. The cause of the blaze is not known. The loss will reach
It was at 4:30 o'clock that Mary Gilmore, night operator at the
Farmer's Telephone Exchange, who slept in the building, awoke to find the room
full of fire. Dashing through the blaze in her night clothes she ran into the
street, crying "fire"!
Mrs. Ward Carter, who is night operator at the
Star telephone exchange nearby heard the cry. She at once called the firemen at
their homes by telephone, and then called the nearby town of Seville and aroused
the department there.