Advertising Through the Ages
Reprinted from "Crown Jewels of the Wire", November 1992, page 31
INTRODUCING....Robert Stahr, currently a university student in Ames, Iowa,
who has offered to become a columnist for Crown Jewels of the Wire. Bob has spent
many hours pouring over libraries of historic electrical journals and has
amassed a large collection of advertising.
Advertising Through the Ages
Last week I received a call from Bob
asking if the "tickler" in the October Crown Jewels was true...
"was there really a Combination Safety (CD 139) WITH DRIP POINTS that had
been found?"
I confirmed the report as true and that I was anticipating
seeing the piece for the first time, along with others, at the Central Regional
Show in London in November.
"Well, I guess that confirms that old ad,
doesn't it?" If you weren't an observant reader of the July 1992 issue,
take a look at the cover another time. There it old 1909 Brookfield
ad...showing the Combination Safety. Take a look at the bottom of the
ad..."With or Without Drip Points".
Maybe Bob's advertising research
will turn up more of these illusive rarities. Field of Ads... print the ad and
they will come! Please welcome Bob to the C.J. Staff!
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Electrical Review, 5-17-84