Left Coast Lines - News From The Western Region
By Mike Doyle
Reprinted from "Crown Jewels of the Wire", November 2004, page 42
This installment of Left Coast Lines marks the end of our first season with
Crown Jewels magazine. Almost one year ago we embarked upon this hunt with our
eyes wide open, and we are still being surprised by the poles and wire that we
continue to encounter along this toll lead. We greatly appreciate you, faithful
reader, for seeking us out month after month. We would like to thank Howard and
Linda Banks for giving us the opportunity to represent the Western Region in
print, and we would like to thank Bill Meier for giving us the web server space
to make LCL On-Line available to our Internet-active readers on the
Insulators.Com front page. LCL would also like to thank Tommy Bolack for making
the colored pages in Crown Jewels magazine possible.
Huge thanks are due
to Dave &
Shirley Brown, Louis & Deedee Hall,
Bob Merzoian, Bill Ostrander, Colin & May Jung, Steve, Rosemary, Matthew
Doyle and Keri Havir for their support. Most of all, I thank
my wife Ruthann, daughters Melissa & Stephanie, and son, Christopher, who
gives love and support with all he has, blindly and unconditionally. To all of
the folks who helped LCL make it through this past show season, rest easy in the
knowledge that it is you who represent the vast majority of great people in this
wonderful hobby. Your time, generosity, support, guidance, feedback and
patience as we developed and grew throughout our first year was appreciated and
taken to heart.
Finally we would like to thank all of the field reporters and great camera
men and women out there who generously contributed both written and pictorial
content for the column. You folks are the BEST!
LCL's second season will begin next month with our report on the Merzoian
Brother's Porterville Swap Meet, and we are looking forward to a great
collecting season indeed. We'll see the Lancaster based Three Amigos throwing
their first annual show, and we'll sneak up to Canyonville for a peek at what
the JSIC folks are planning for a future NIA show bid out west. We will
introduce an editorial segment called "Twisted Splice" in our column
(provided that we can get our content approved by the executive editor).
We will also try to bring you more collector profiles this season, and we
will continue to bring news from the Western Region as it develops. In the late
summer of 2005, LCL will bring Crown Jewels readers extensive coverage of the
NIA Convention in San Jose. That will be a BLAST! Congratulations again to Dave
Elliot, Colin Jung, and all of the other hard working Nor-Cal club members that
contributed to the creation of that winning show bid. As always, LCL will report
show hap'nin's from as far north as Medicine Hat and as far south as Yuma. It's
been a great ride so far, but hey, enough of this, let's get on to the Good
Stuff 'cause....... IT'S SHOWTIME!
August Auburn Show Report 2004
The Northern California Insulator Club held its 20th annual show and sale at
Auburn, California's Gold Country Fairgrounds on Friday and Saturday, August 6th
and 7th, 2004, in beautiful weather, under clear Sierra foothill skies. The show
was very well attended by dealers and hobbyists and there was a great assortment
of fantastic glass and porcelain (mud) available to anyone who came armed to the
teeth with spendin' cabbage.
Left Coast Lines would like to thank Stephen and Rosemary Doyle for providing
hotel services, and we would like to thank David (I want to go to Hot August
Nights) Brown for transportation and cargo handling! This show had great dealer
turnout as usual. The kitchen was staffed by our perennial lineup of lovely,
capable chefs and servers. Thank you ladies for the great help!
This year's dealer list included Dave and Rebecca Campbell, Frank Feher, Tom
Holbrook, Kathy & Paul Greaves, Dale & Art Huber (Panda & Tami,
Art's dogs also joined the show this year,) Scott Prall, Deedee & Lou 'PinMan'
Hall, Dave and Andrew Elliott, Colin Jung (our 2005 National show hosts!), Bill
Rohde, Steve Marsh, Dave Brown, Ruthann & Mike Doyle, Alice & Larry
Shumaker, Judy & Greg Bickford, and Arlene & Bob Jackson who have since
moved to Idaho!
Our show host and hostess Pat and Shirley Patocka set up right in front of
the door as usual. They were joined by Arlene & Bill Heitkotter, Bob
McLaughlin, Bob Loftus & Jackie Cabrinha, Larry Reed, Dave Cross, Ian Macky
(who is soon moving to Yreka, California,) Carver Mead & Barbara Smith. Lori
& Ron Jenkins (one third of the Three Amigos) attended the show and passed
out show flyers for their first annual, 16 October 2004, show in Lancaster, CA.
LCL was blown away to see Ray Howe, long time toll and radio strain
collector, at this show for the first time in many years. This was also the
first time that we noticed not seeing another regular, Ron Souza, at our show.
He has recently relocated to the Midwest. We also missed Linda and Steve Viola who
now live in Las Vegas, NY. Jim Anderson was set up for the first time, so
welcome Jim! We hope you had fun. We were all surprised to see that the Oregon
clan was represented in the person of Carl Scott who made the Bonsai run down
from the Northwest to attend the show. (Great to see you Carl! Lou, Steve and I
will be making a Bonsai run up to Canyonville to see you pretty soon!)
As always, there was some great glass to be had at the show. There were two
cobalt, CD140.5 blobs (not CD126 blob-tops) for sale! There was a mint set of
light SCA Cochrane bells, a teal CD738 hat with barnacles on the inside of the
skirt, four super CD123 EC&Ms in olive, forest green, cobalt, and killer
swirly amber in aqua. The Bickfords had a whole table full of EC&Ms for
sale. They also had two nice Cutters, and a Gregory. There was even a Pluto for
sale on Dave Campbell's table.
Ian Macky was' selling some spectacular pieces from his collection to help
finance his planned relocation to Yreka, CA. These items included a CD200
California tramp in a nice plumy shade of SCA, and a killer light straw, 8"
tall guy strain, and some of those cool sidewalk prisms that were SCA. Pat
Patocka had a VVNM CD158.2, aqua Boston that sold very quickly. Idaho bound Bob
Jackson had some great wooden items for sale. He offered a San Francisco
groove-top wooden, wooden rams horn blocks and a wood covered wade.
No LCL show report would be complete without' mentioning the vittles. Nor-Cal
works the food at this show like a pot-luck. Everybody brings something and
we have a big dinner on Friday evening as well as munchies all day Saturday.
Obviously this can't happen without help, and once again this year, the
vivacious and energetic kitchen crew served up excellent chow both days. Special
thanks to Deedee, Arlene, Alice, and Audrey for all of their slaving away in the
Incidentally, we have a couple of corrections to make to our Rohde Ranch show
report. The insulator that Larry Shumaker presented to Mark Merzoian was a
green, CD190/191, B transposition. The Locke 25 multipart that was very
generously displayed at the ranch is the property of Jerry Buckland. LCL
apologizes for any confusion or inconvenience caused by the original report.
Now, all you, thread-heads listen up: Getcher glass and mud traders into a
good, sturdy box. Getcher swap lists and price guides updated. Flip open yer
Crown Jewels to Corning Events, and click in the Show Finder for details
on the next swap meet or tailgater in your area. Dig that dusty wad-o-cash out
of the Fred Locke pinhole, and get all yer friends together for an insulator
road trip because.... IT'S SHOWTIME!