Possible Origin of the OVG Insulator
Reprinted from "INSULATORS - Crown Jewels of the Wire", November 1974, page 32
The following information was submitted by Jerry Turner, Goshen, Ohio, and
copied from BOTTLE MAKERS AND THEIR NAMES by Julian Harrison, printed by
"Another Ohio Valley Glass Co. appeared in 1905 at Pleasant City, Ohio
near Cambridge. It was apparently a renaming of the Pleasant City Glass Works
whose listing in the 1904 Directory stated that it had one continuous tank with
5 rings, made insulators and battery jars and had as officers: B. L. Kilgour,
President, P. S. Reichly, Secretary and Treasurer, and Wm. Cleis, Manager. The
1905 Directory listed OVG Co. as having 5 rings on one tank making insulators
and battery jars and with officers: H. E. Cobb, President, H. E. Stephenson,
Vice President, W. B. Stein, Secretary, and J. B. Sullivan, Treasurer and
Manager. Neither were listed again."