Brookfield Oddity
Reprinted from "Crown Jewels of the Wire", December 2004, page 12
Collector Dave Kurns wants to hear from anyone with a CD 145 Brookfield
beehive like this one. What's odd about it? Take a close look at the girth of
the dome just above the wire groove. It's noticeably larger in circumference
than other Brookfield beehives. Was the design intentional to make rain water
drip over the top of the line wire? Or, was it a mix up at the factory? Did
Brookfield put the dome of another style insulator on the base of a beehive?
Perhaps a signal?
Dave says no one he's asked about it reports having seen another one. What
about it? Anyone with comments about this top heavy beehive? Write us here at
Crown Jewels.