Collecting Merit Badge
Reprinted from "Crown Jewels of the Wire", December 2002, page 66
As some of you know I've been a collector of insulators for more years than I
can remember. I've also been involved in Boy Scouts of America (BSA). This past
Saturday 11/2/02 my two interests combined in a fun day for me. BSA has a new
merit badge called collecting. We had a BSA conference where the new merit badge
was talked about and I was surprised to learn that one of my friends, Clair
Cunningham - NIA # 6422, was asked to bring a sample of his collecting hobby. He
brought Insulators and it was great to see and hear so many people at the
conference with interests in insulators and collecting.
If every insulator
collector who is interested in helping in scouting would contact their local Boy
Scout Council Headquarters and volunteer to be a merit badge counselor for
hobbies we could possibly increase our young people insulator collecting
Maury Tasem, NIA #29