Crown Embossed Brookfields
by Chris Renaudo
Reprinted from "Crown Jewels of the Wire", December 2004, page 24
Beginning Interest
I first became interested in the CD136 style while assisting in the research
effort of my good friend Lee Brewer on the crown embossed Brookfield (CREB) CD
145 beehives. The CREB 145s are still my favorite as they have a crude, yet
classic beehive shape, numerous shop number embossing variations, and like most
Brookfield pieces a variety of embossing errors and glass impurities. The CD 136
shape intrigued me as I considered it similar to the beehive only with "fat
lip" wire groove edges. I was further hooked when I discovered that these
too were embossed with shop numbers. The final connection for me was that many
of these had been and could still be found in my resident state Texas.
Why Texas?
Recognizing that the CREB 136s have "B&O" embossed on the
skirt, I was curious as to how these pieces ended up in Texas. The B&O
(Baltimore and Ohio Railroad) was a very early carrier dating back to the late
1820s. My research into their operation told me that their lines operated only
as far west as St. Louis, MO. I began contacting B&O experts, the B&O
Historical Society, and several Texas railroading enthusiast web sites to try to
determine the link between the B&O and Texas.
I learned through this research that while the B&O did not construct
lines into Texas, the Texas and Pacific Railway (T&P) did construct lines
from St. Louis into Texas with the intention of completing a southern
transcontinental route to San Diego, CA. My initial assumption was that some
deal was struck between B&O and the T&P to allow the CREB136 B&O
insulators to be used along the telegraph lines accompanying the T &P
railways. Although this theory seems plausible, additional information was obtained to support
another hypothesis.
Discussions with N. R. Woodward and R. Klingensmith suggested that CD136
B&O insulators made their way into Texas via the B&O Telegraph Co., a
subsidiary of the B&O Railroad Company. I began to explore this option via
the same resources I had consulted earlier. Tom Greco from the B&O
historical society was able to send me a telegram with letterhead confirming
that B&O Telegraph Co. had offices in Texas. I now believe that this theory
is the most probable explanation for the presence of CD136 B&O insulators in
Texas. If anyone has any information confirming or denying this claim, I would
certainly appreciate the opportunity to explore this further.
Manufacturing timeframe
The approximate timeframe for manufacture of the Brookfield CD 136 is from
the late1870s through the mid 1880s. The CD 145 became the Brookfield standard
for telegraph/telephone service following the Samuel Oakman patents for double
petticoat and beehive style insulators (November 13, 1883 and February 12, 1884
respectively). Apparently Brookfield patterned the CD136 after either the
Canadian CD 136.4 or the Boston Bottle Works CD 136.5. The earliest Brookfield
CD136 (photo page 25) is taller than the CREB successor and did not contain
Brookfield embossing. Speculation would suggest that the reason for avoiding
embossing the Brookfield name on this earlier version was to avoid potential
From discussions with Brookfield and Hemingray experts, the consensus is that
the Brookfield pieces were produced prior to the Hemingray CD136. The Hemingray
version is believed to be the last CD136 manufactured.
The Shop Number Importance
Shop numbers can be found on many CD styles of Brookfield insulators. N. R.
Woodward, creator of the CD numbering system, explains in his book "The
Glass Insulator in America: 1988 report" that the numbers and letters on
the front or rear crowns of many Brookfield insulators refer to the shop of 4
workers that produced them. The employees at the glassworks were paid based on
the number of pieces produced in a given unit of time. This payment method was
achieved by counting, or weighing, the insulators with a given shop number after
they emerged from the cooling end of the lehr. This same concept is believed to
be the reason for mold letters on the HGCO Petticoat CD145 beehives.
The CREB CD136 B&O insulators have been found with shop numbers 1 through
6 as can be seen in the attached foil rubbings of these numbers. Shop
numbers 4, 5, and 6 have been found in two different sizes as can be seen in the
foil rubbing comparison photos. In addition to the size difference, the shop
number 5 pieces have either a straight top or a curved top. As with the CREB
145s, certain shop numbers are more difficult to acquire than others. My
experience is that pieces with the shop number 3 (backwards) appear to be the
least common.
Mold Differences
The best tool I've come across to compare insulator mold differences is the
"Meier Mask". This method devised by ICON webmaster Bill Meier
consists of using clear cellophane tape and Sharpie permanent markers to trace
out the embossing on a given insulator. This "mask" can then be
placed against other insulators to determine if they are from the same mold.
Lee Brewer has modified this original method slightly by using clear acetate
instead of cellophane tape to make his masks. These masks have been the
cornerstone of his research effort on the CREB145s for comparing mold
similarities/ differences.
In incorporating this technique into the research of CREB CD136s, I've
discovered that 10 different molds have been found within the 9 shop number
variations. One of the most prominent differences in molds can be found in the
spacing and style of the "B&O" embossing on the skirt. Some of
these differences are seen in the attached photos; however, most are subtle and
are only apparent when using masks for mold comparisons.
The shop numbers 1 through 3 that I have seen have all been [040] style, that
is both the front and rear crowns have the backwards "N". Shop numbers
4 through 6 have all been [060] with no backward "N" embossings. I
have not seen styles [010], [020], [030], and [050] that are listed in the price
guide. If anyone has a representative of one of these styles, please contact me.
The following information about each shop number provides the details of the
mold differences mentioned earlier:
#1 Prismatic embossing
- Only one mold has been found for shop number 1.
- Two different molds have
been found for shop number 2. One of the pieces has a front mold similar to shop
number 1 with regards to "B&O" size and spacing on the skirt. The front crown embossing on this piece, however, is very different
from the shop number 1 front crown mold. The front crown mold for the other shop
number 2 piece is also unique. The key visible difference between these two
front molds is the spacing of the letters in the "B&O" embossing
on the skirt. The rear crown embossing for both pieces/molds is the same, but
different from shop number 1.
- Only one mold has been found for shop number 3. The front and rear crown
embossings are unique. The "B&O" on the front skirt is also unique
and is irregular and "sloppy" relative to the other prismatic
"B&O" embossings .
#3 |
- Two different molds have been located for shop number 4. Although the rear
crown molds are the same, two different front crown molds with two different
"B&O" embossings and two shop number sizes have been found. The
front crown #4 mold with the small shop number 4 has "B&O"
embossing size and spacing similar to that of shop number 1 (though not
identical). The other piece's front crown embossing is unique.
#4 |
- Two different molds have been found for shop number 5. Both front and rear
crowns are different for these two molds. The large shop number "5" on
one mold has a noticeable curved top compared to the other mold's smaller
"5". In addition, the large shop number 5 has a noticeable downward
slant on the top of the "B" in the "B&O" on the front
large #5 |
- Two molds have been found for shop number 6. The mold with the small shop
number 6 has small letters for the "B&O" on the front skirt
although the spacing of the letters is the same as that on the large shop small
#6 number 6 mold that has larger letters for the "B&O" embossing.
The small number 6 mold also has a very large space between the "45 Cliff
St" and "N.Y." on the front crown. Both the large and small shop
number 6 pieces have different rear crowns, but both have a period embossed
after the "PAT".
small #6 |
If you're collecting CREB CD136s for their colors, you're liable to be
disappointed. The vast majority of these pieces are found in either light blue
or aqua. These blue and aqua pieces can have added character, however, with the
inclusion of either amber or milk swirls. I have personally seen or own the
greens, apple greens, lime greens, and light greens that are listed in the price
guide. I know of only one yellow olive green piece; however, I've not had the
pleasure of seeing it in person.
Conclusions and Request for Additional Information
The information contained in this article results from a detailed analysis of
30+ pieces and observations on over 100+ pieces. Recognizing that this sample
lot is small in comparison to the number of insulators manufactured, dissenting
information is not only expected but extremely welcomed.