| Research Division
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Dear Dora:
I wrote earlier about the aqua Baby Battleford being found at the
Hamilton Glass Works site in Hamilton, Ontario, along with two pieces of other
threadless insulators. The one is definitely a piece of an aqua 726, but the
other is still a question. Perhaps someone has an insulator with similar
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| | Porcelain Insulator News
| | by Jack H. Tod
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Dear Jack: I picked up this unusual two-piece insulator in a junk shop in
northern New York. It's dark brown in color.
I would appreciate any information you can give me on it. I also purchased
the only other insulator in the shop. It is an unembossed, glass threadless,
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| | "Wire In A Bottle"
| | by Alan Rodgers
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"Edison's first simple 'wire in a bottle' was one of the first
electrical devices."
As a collector of insulators and related electrical
items, I became fascinated with old glass light bulbs.
"Fundamentally, an
incandescent lamp is a simple thing -- just a wire sealed in a glass bulb with a
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