1992 >> January  

Message to readers about contents for this month....



Glass Found In Northern New South Wales

   by Richard Edmonds


Nothing pleases me more than to go on a trip where there are insulators in plentiful supply. Last month I set off on a school vacation with two of my teachers and about twenty girls, included among them were six German exchange students who were visiting our school at the time. The trip, which was done by ...                    [more]


Insulator Report: Costa Rica, 1991

   by Don Fiene


Since 1987 I've been studying Spanish on the side, one course each semester. By the spring of 1991 I was getting fairly good at it. Judy and I decided that we should go to Costa Rica at the end of May to test my language skills and see how much loot we could drag back through customs.

...                    [more]


1993 Marks Centennial of Third Rail Power

   by Warren Speegle


Signal Maintainer's Mini-Museum Displayed at Fern Rock

While most young boys dreamed of owning the ultimate train, Warren Speegle's earliest fixation was on what made the steel wheels move.

A signal maintainer for the Subway-Elevated Division, Speegle has turned a ...                    [more]


Porcelain Insulator News

   by Elton Gish, NIA #41


From the last several "Porcelain Insulator News" articles you may think that most of the activity has been with multipart porcelain insulators. Indeed, there has been a lot of hurried activity in that section of our hobby, as all of us have been scrambling to add another rare "boat anchor" to ...                    [more]

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