| Foreign Insulators
| by Marilyn Albers
The Research Goes On...... And On
As the horizons of our hobby have reached further and further into other
lands, we've found many new collector friends who share our common interest in
insulators. As a result of our correspondence, we have traded our familiar North
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| The Case of the Unidentified Insulator
| by Richard Wentzel
PREFACE: The following story details the case history of an actual insulator
manufactured by Whitall Tatum Company. Only the names have been changed to
protect the innocent!!?
Actually, as a challenge to the reader's powers of
deduction, drawings and catalogue number descriptions have been omitted from the
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Insulator Collectors Worldwide!
I stumbled across a business opportunity that will set the hobby on its ear.
However, I won't be quitting my day job...for awhile.
My business acquaintance
(Ray Coon) is currently working on an intensified training program...so he can
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| Patent Office
| by Elton Gish
Jack Snyder tracked down Mr. Sindlinger's family in his home town of Toledo,
Ohio way back in 1974 after he saw a copy of the Sindlinger patent drawing on the
cover of the July, 1974 issue of Crown Jewels. Jack interviewed Mr.
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| Steve & Jack's Bogus Bowl Adventure
| by Jack Foote
Recently, my friend and fellow insulator collector Steve Marsh, contacted me
regarding an unusual observation. While riding Amtrak in Northern California, he
noticed what appeared to be bowls under insulators on a railroad pole line. The
insulators appeared to be CD 154 Hemingray's. The bowls looked to be made of
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