2003 >> October  

Message to readers about contents for this month....



Insulator of the Month - Bubble Head


Jeanne Bridges picks this CD 102.4 as the favorite insulator from her collection. 102.4's are tough enough to come by, but this one's special attraction is the enormous bubble that is open at the dome. You can actually place your finger tip inside the bubble between the glass wall of the insulator ...                    [more]


Foreign Insulators

   By Caleb Thimell


I am very honored to be selected as the new Foreign Insulator Editor. I consider Marilyn Albers a true pioneer who has dedicated much of her life to the pursuit of foreign insulators and sharing discoveries with others. She has done this enthusiastically, patiently, and with plenty of hard work. I want to publicly ...                    [more]


KING CITY GLASS WORKS Fairmount, Indiana

   By Arlen Rienstra


Why it began

Two men with very different lives but a common bond - a desire to pursue and build a profitable business, established King City Glass Works through a joint venture. Dr. Alpheus Henley and Charles M. Tigner joined in a business venture to begin the "Dinky" bottle factory in Fairmount, Indiana in 1890. By ...                    [more]


Star Insulators

   By Bob Merzoian


Our hobby seems to be, growing by leaps and bounds. This is a good thing, for the most part. The unfortunate side of this boom is that supply is exceeded by demand in so many cases.

This, of course, results in inflated and, often times, unaffordable prices (think pea soup CD 145's, violet CD 162's, castles, etc.). We collectors look ...                    [more]


Harloes Out West?


Syd McNeely reports that a small number of CD 206.5 Harloes have been uncovered by bottle collectors in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Generally considered an eastern insulator, Syd says that to his knowledge this is the first reported discovery of Harloes in the western US.

...                    [more]


NOR-CAL Insulator Club Presents 2003 NIA Western Regional Show


Collectors attending the 2003 Western Regional Insulator Show in San Jose California felt like they were walking into a mini-national show. But not too mini. With nearly 80 sales tables, and some two dozen displays, the Nor-Cal Insulator Club hosted a great event. 

...                    [more]

   A Magazine for Collectors

   Photos from "Crown Jewels of the Wire," October 2003

CJ In Color!

The following photos are from the October 2003 Crown Jewels of the Wire magazine. These have been provided by the publisher for those wishing to see a color rendition of the black and white photos ...                    [more]


Twelfth Annual Lone Star Insulator Club Show & Sale

   By Bob Machann


The Twelfth Annual Lone Star Insulator Club show and sale was held on Saturday, August 23, 2003 at the Ramada Plaza Hotel in Houston, Texas. After a long day at work, I went to the hotel on Friday evening. Bill and Marilyn Albers were setting up their sales table, along with Ross Baird, Tom Miller, and N.R. ...                    [more]


The Eighth Annual Tristate Insulator Show


was held on Sunday, August 24th at the home of Alan Hohnhorst in Ross, Ohio. It was another fun gathering of friends and collectors. We had collectors from Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana. Those setting up at the show were Jerry (Grumpy) and Marilyn Turner, Dennis and Lee Stewart, Steve and Lois Blair, Patrick Pryor, ...                    [more]


Symbol of San Jose


While CD 120 CEW's are the logos for the Nor-Cal Insulator Club (front cover), the insulator symbol for San Jose would be the CD 265 Fisher. An electric railway was constructed in San Jose that used these unusual insulators made for the Detroit Electrical Works.

The Western Regional Show featured an ...                    [more]

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