| Insulator Altering of Dings and Dongs
| by John I. Myers
I would like to pose a question to the Fraternity of Insulator
Collectors. "Should an Insulator be altered in any means after the
find? " I'm not talking about the normal cleaning regardless of what
methods are used. Neither am I referring to the use of extreme
heat to change color as we all know some unscrupulous people
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| First Telephone Lines in California
| by Al Davies
Along the San Juan Ridge was the scene of the most spectacular
hydraulic gold mining operations in the eighteen seventies. Three
companies controlled the majority of these operations. They were
Eureka Lake and Yuba Canal Company, headquartered at North
Columbia, who owned four reservoirs and two hundred miles of
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| Whitall Tatum Glass Company
| by Don Wentzel
The Whitall Tatum Glass Company located here in Millville, New Jersey which
was sold to the Armstrong Cork Co. back in 1938 has been sold
by them to Kerr.
To the best of my knowledge this is the only glass plant still making
glass insulators in the U.S.A. The runs are limited in quantity and
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| Hemingray-110
| by David Ahrens
To the Editor: This pertains to the story on the Hemingray-110's (CD 1071) on
page 24 in the October 1969 issue. You mention that it is held on by a pin like
the Hemingray-109. Well, the one that we have (which was found on a
double pole with the Hemingray-109's) has threads and was threaded on a pin.
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