1984 >> December  

Message to readers about contents for this month....



Cleaning Up An Old Line

   by Harry


It was a warm spring morning as three men drove south from town in an old Dodge truck. "Clean up the old line on the road south of town," the boss had said. Today they would take down and roll up the wire. Later a crew would come back and pull up or cut off the poles.

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Porcelain Insulator News

   by Elton Gish, NIA #41


Gerald Brown's death on September 16 was a great loss to all of us. He was a pioneer in insulator collecting and a real cornerstone to porcelain collectors. He left a legacy of many books on porcelain insulators reflecting his years of dedication to improve the hobby. We will always carry memories of Gerald for his ...                    [more]


Foreign Insulators

   by Marilyn Albers



At the present time we are about to begin work on a supplement for each of our foreign insulator books: GLASS INSULATORS FROM OUTSIDE NORTH AMERICA by Marilyn Albers, and WORLDWIDE PORCELAIN INSULATORS by Marilyn Albers and Jack H. ...                    [more]

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