| Crown Embossed Brookfields
| by Chris Renaudo
Beginning Interest
I first became interested in the CD136 style while assisting in the research
effort of my good friend Lee Brewer on the crown embossed Brookfield (CREB) CD
145 beehives. The CREB 145s are still my favorite as they have a crude, yet
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| Kids Korner
Brian Orr shares his collection below. He has a variety of glass, porcelain
and foreign. His favorite is the Muncie.
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| Boston Screw Tops
Here's one collector's idea about the purpose of those screw tops on CD
158.9's. Bill Pottichen writes, "I feel that some sort of wrench made of
wood could thread the insulator onto a threadless pin.
"But one would need some sort of pressure from the top. Answer, a piece
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| Tommy Bolack Profile
Tommy Bolack holds an extremely rare CD 317.8, one of the prizes in his
collection. Tommy is essentially a CD collector, seeking foreign as well as
North American glass insulators. But he also enjoys outstanding examples of some
of the more common CD's, such as the purple CD 126.4 below.
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| Yankee Pole Cat On Golden Pond 2004
| by John Rajpolt
The Yankee Pole Cat's annual "On Golden Pond" swap meet and picnic
was held on Saturday October 2 at the home of Larry and Mary Jo Emmons.
Visualize this: a narrow, woodsy paved road that ends at their property. The
Connecticut trees are starting to turn their magnificent fall colors. The road
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| The Way Things Were
The old open wire lead Tommy Bolack has reconstructed on his ranch was built
reminiscent of how abandoned lines looked when Tommy first began collecting in
the 1960's. Oh, those were the
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| Insulator of the Month - American Beauty
Not only is Denny Hackthorne's CD 145 American a favorite because of its
beauty, the adventure behind it is also unforgettable. What Denny had to do to
get this insulator, even he can't believe. Read the full story below.
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| A Magazine for Collectors
| Photos from "Crown Jewels of the Wire," December 2004
CJ In Color!
The following photos are from the December 2004
Crown Jewels of the Wire magazine. These have been provided by the publisher
for those wishing to see a color rendition of the black and white photos
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| Here It Is
Hare ya' go. What would seem like an insulator collector's dream come true.
Piles of cross arms loaded with insulators. Located just off a highway in
Arizona. The owner, unfortunately, isn't interested in allowing
insulator-collectors to rummage through the stacks. While the insulators look
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| Left Coast Lines - News From The Western Region
Left Coast Lines would like to thank Tom Katonak for providing us with this
show report and its associated pictures. Tom regularly writes this report for
his club and his little bit of extra effort ensures that Left Coast Lines and
Crown Jewels magazine are able to bring the stories of the EIC club to the rest
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| Prairie Signals Oklahoma Swap Meet and Impromptu Auction
| Reported by Mae Beth Whaley
The seventh annual Prairie Signals Insulator Swap Meet was held Saturday,
October 09, 2004 at the Warwick Estates clubhouse in northwest Oklahoma City.
The gray, drizzly skies didn't dampen spirits, however, as the highlight of
the event took place on the parking lot and the whole clubhouse emptied to view
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| Brookfield Oddity
Collector Dave Kurns wants to hear from anyone with a CD 145 Brookfield
beehive like this one. What's odd about it? Take a close look at the girth of
the dome just above the wire groove. It's noticeably larger in circumference
than other Brookfield beehives. Was the design intentional to make rain water
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