2002 >> February  

Message to readers about contents for this month....



Mac's Believe It or Not!

   by John McDougald


There have been a lot of favorable comments out the insulators in color featured in "Mac's Believe It or Not!" in the December 2001 and January 2002 issues. And, it is great to hear back from folks with additional information. From one of the longest and youngest collectors I know, Joe ...                    [more]


2001 in Review

   by John McDougald


I'm sure a lot of you had the opportunity to review many of the things you did during 2001, maybe as part of writing your annual Holiday letter, or maybe just because we like to look back at the end of the year and think about what we accomplished, whether or not we kept our New Year s resolutions, and planning ...                    [more]


Foreign Insulators

   by Marilyn Albers



The insulator show held in Springfield, Ohio was one of the best ones my husband and I have ever attended. The new location was huge and collectors came from all directions to buy, sell or trade their wares. I've never seen so many ...                    [more]

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