2004 >> March  

Message to readers about contents for this month....



Back, After 20 Years

   By Charles Brandon


I thought I would share a unique perspective of our hobby after a 20 year hiatus and confirm some history on a couple of the more unusual insulators that I recently learned.

I started collecting insulators as a high school runner in the early 1970's. I would run out in the country from my home in St. Joseph, Missouri. I enjoyed ...                    [more]


Letters to Editor, continued



In the January issue, Crown Jewels contained an article by Mike McGuire about a different embossing style on CALIFORNIA CD 208 insulators. He described observing a variety where the letters "OR" were smaller than the ...                    [more]


Insulator of the Month - BLUE MOUSE


This CD 257 Hemingray "Mickey Mouse" helmet in electric blue is just one of nine such mice owned by Charles Brandon. (See picture on the address side of this magazine.) Charles reports that they were used in the Kansas City area. The CD 268 Crown shown with all nine mice is also proudly owned by Charles. ...                    [more]


Grand Canyon Insulator Club's 2003 Insulator Swap & Christmas Party.

   By Dwayne Anthony


On December 13, approximately two-dozen members of GCIC converged at the home of Kevin & Cheryl Jacobson in Phoenix, Arizona, for a joyous day of insulator swapping and Christmas merriment. This is a very active club that meets regularly in member's homes for club business and fellowship.

...                    [more]


Canadian Forum

   By Robin Plewes


Welcome to a resurrection of sorts. A few years ago Mark Lauckner started this column to offer an insight into Canadian insulators. Mark has had a number of projects on the go these past few years, and his time to write has been very limited. I approached him a while back and inquired as to his thoughts on the ...                    [more]


Crown Jewels Basic Guide to Photographing Insulators


Many readers have asked Crown Jewels for help in photographing insulators. Collector Bill Ostrander has been one of our best advisors, so we asked him to provide tips that will help you find success in photographing your insulators.                                                              
...                    [more]

   A Magazine for Collectors

   Photos from "Crown Jewels of the Wire," March 2004

CJ In Color!

The following photos are from the March 2004 Crown Jewels of the Wire magazine. These have been provided by the publisher for those wishing to see a color rendition of the black and white photos ...                    [more]


Left Coast Lines - News From The Western Region

   By Mike Doyle


The Winter 2003, Auburn, California, insulator and bottle show was held on Friday and Saturday, the 5th and 6th of December. Each year, Pat & Shirley Patocka, in cooperation with the 49er Historical Bottle Society, put on this show at the Gold Country Fairgrounds. This year, Pat reorganized the dealer map ...                    [more]


"A Piece of History"

   By Mike McGuire


After arriving at the highly anticipated 49er Historical Bottle Association's 26th Annual Show and Sale in Auburn, California along with thousands of other anxious collectors and dealers that have come to and expect a great show, I must say, I for one was not disappointed. In fact, I was amongst a ...                    [more]

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