| Insulators Of Note
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CD 257 "Mickey Mouse"
Introducing a new column, "insulators of note", which will appear as
information is submitted regarding different glass, porcelain and multi-part
insulators. These are short notes tidbits stories etc. about a certain style
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| | Exhibiting Your Insulators At Home
| | by Larry Larned
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Are you faced with where to store your collection? Or how to display it? One
way is to leave it in boxes -- not much fun. Another way is to spread it on the
floor -- hard to see and easy to step on. Or another way is to place pieces all
over the house on window sills, dining tables, kitchen counters, toilet tank
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| | A Vermont Insulator Hunt
| | by Barry Conolly
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My story begins when my wife, Sharon, and I went on a tour of an area marble
quarry. This quarry is located in southwestern Vermont and was started in the
first decade of this century. Still active, the quarry covers 27 acres and is
contained completely within a mountain. It is not open to the sky, as quarries
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| | Porcelain Insulator News
| | by Elton Gish, NIA #41
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Barry Conolly recently made a nice find in Vermont. In an abandoned
substation at a marble quarry, he found two steel plates mounted on the inside
wall. Each plate had two (unmarked Thomas) M-3740's bolted on them! The glaze on
the top skirts were mottled tans. Below are a couple of photos that Barry took.
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| | "Brookfield Goes To War" Update
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Regarding Larry Larned's fine story, "Brookfield Goes to War, " in
the August '90 issue, we would just like to add that "Circuits of Victory",
by A.L. Lavine, Country Life Press, 1921, is another must book for anyone
wishing to pursue this subject further. The story also deals with the Bell
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