| From The Editor's Desk...
With this issue, I complete seven years of publishing Crown Jewels of the
Wire. It really seems like only yesterday that I finalized plans to purchase the
magazine from Dora Harned, CJ's originator and editor for sixteen years.
from its inception as a monthly publication, Crown Jewels offered a regular
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| Porcelain Insulator News
| by Elton Gish
You may have heard about some old four-part insulators with concentric rings
under the top skin, which have been coming out of California recently. Bill
Rohde has been very active over the past two years in an effort to collect old
multipart porcelain insulators, and he has been responsible for making available
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| On The Road: Insulators in Vermont
| by Barry Conolly
Franklin is a small town in northwestern Vermont, just a handful of miles
south of the Canadian border. On its broad main street is a 140 year old brick
building that has been home to the offices of the Franklin Telephone Company and
the Franklin Electric Light Company since the mid 1920s. It is a building that
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| A Dream Comes True In The Land Of Juan Valdez - Part 2
| by Caleb Thimell
With adrenaline still flowing from my earlier discoveries, I didn't waste
any time deciding on a game plan. It was time to find more T-bars and recover
the elusive purple Zicme!! The Western Regional Show (May 1991) in San Luis
Obispo would soon arrive, and I wanted to have some choice beauties to display
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