1984 >> July  

Message to readers about contents for this month....



Patent #2,266,340

   by Jack Snyder


Last month I slipped and bumped my head in the shower stall. After regaining consciousness, Walter Mitty and I decided I'd waited long enough to embark on another career. Heck, I'm already an accomplished telephone man and beekeeper. We narrowed the field down to the following promising categories: male nursing, journalism and javelin catching ...                    [more]


Collecting Telegraph Company Paper

   by Ray Klingensmith


Have you ever wondered what happened to all the old documents, maps, periodicals, telegrams and other paper items associated with the "telegraph age"? Well, some of that material has survived thru the decades and is actively sought by serious collectors. With the ever growing interest in "go withs" in the insulator hobby, some ...                    [more]


You Never Know

   by H. G. "Bea" Hyve


The other day Mr. Hyve and I went through our stock of insulators, separating the good ones from the junk. The junk consisted of Hemingray 42's, Hemi 9's, Whitall Tatum #1's, and such. There was a Chicago with the entire crown missing and mega-damage to the skirt. There ...                    [more]


Foreign Insulators

   by Marilyn Albers



In the February, 1984, issue of CROWN JEWELS magazine I showed a picture of a glass insulator with Russian letters embossed on the skirt. The marking was not very clear, but I challenged Don Fiene (Knoxville, Tennessee), who teaches the ...                    [more]


Letters to the Editor



Dear Dora: 

I started to collect insulators about 12 years ago and have heard many stories concerning their history. One that has always intrigued me was the possibility that Wm. Randolph Hearst ordered the CD 206 Castle made for his use at San Simeon. 

...                    [more]


Porcelain Insulator News

   by Elton Gish, NIA #41


I agreed to be the new clearing house for American Porcelain and Editor for this column because I wanted to see more frequent informative columns and to hopefully improve the interest in collecting porcelain insulators. I cannot do it alone! I need your help to provide interesting and newsworthy articles that all of us can use to improve ...                    [more]


First Telephone Company Owned Building Located at 130 South Market Street, San Jose



The following picture and article are reprinted from the March-April 1983 issue of "The Information Desk" with permission of Telephone Museum, San Francisco, California. 

San Jose has played an important part in the story of communications in the far west. In the early days of the Spanish ranchos, the ...                    [more]

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