2004 >> July  

Message to readers about contents for this month....



A Secret Finally Shared

   By Ed Hollar


Editor's note: Ed, who calls himself "the Old Polecat", shares some of his collecting stories with the readers of Crown Jewels from time to time. Here's an excerpt from one of his letters.

Many years ago, just a few months after the 2nd show in London, Ohio, I was ...                    [more]


Chesapeake Bay Insulator Club

   By Claude Wambold


March 6, 2004 
Spring must be here (well not officially), but Insulator Spring is here because Steve Bobb and myself are driving South out of York, PA on Interstate 83 after our usual breakfast stop, wondering what this year will bring in insulators. A right turn onto the exit ramp, up to the stop light and a ...                    [more]


27 Years in the Hobby

   By Jim Barton


"How did you start collecting insulators?" is a question I'm asked by non-collectors. For me, it was an odd fascination for telephone poles and power lines I've had since I was in diapers and never outgrew. Mother claims the first words out of my mouth were "telephone pole".

...                    [more]




New Telegraph Line. - Sep. 30, 1886 "Fears are entertained by some of the construction of the new telegraph line by the overland route will not be finished by November 1st, as is contemplated by A. W Finn, superintendent of construction, for the Western Union Telegraph Company. Work is progressing ...                    [more]


Up in the air!


Photo essay by Kevin Jacobson.                                                                                                       ...                    [more]


Canadian Forum

   By Robin Plewes


- The OVIC 2004 Show Report -

The Ottawa Valley Insulator Collectors 6th annual show and sale was held on the 10th of April in Perth Ontario Canada. The Lions hall seems to be working out quite well for the spring show.

The day started early for me. I couldn't get back to sleep at 4.00am, so I ...                    [more]


A day at the auction....


(reprinted from the NIA's "Drip Points")

The estate of a pioneer insulator publisher is being sold at Auction this spring and summer. Edward Pickett helped Jim Hill author some of the hobby's first price guides, starting around 1967 and continuing into the early 1970's.

...                    [more]


Plucking a Pyrex


I was an installer-repairman for Michigan Bell. My job could be hazardous; and safety was always paramount. Unless insulators were involved!

Much of my collection was general from open wire phone lines, plus power and telegraph. Years ago, there was still a great deal of glass available.

...                    [more]

   A Magazine for Collectors

   Photos from "Crown Jewels of the Wire," July 2004

CJ In Color!

The following photos are from the July 2004 Crown Jewels of the Wire magazine. These have been provided by the publisher for those wishing to see a color rendition of the black and white photos ...                    [more]


St. Joseph Insulator / Bottle Show & Sale

   by Jeanne Weber


The 2nd Annual St. Joseph Insulator / Bottle Show & Sale was held in St. Joseph, MO on March 20, 2004. Activities actually began on Friday evening, March 19, as many dealers and collectors gathered at the home of Dennis and Jeanne Weber for snacks and stories. Insulators, telephone signs, cookie jars, St. ...                    [more]


Just In From Cambodia


Missionaries Kris and Mary Ann Young sent a shipment of insulators to America recently. Net proceeds from the sales of insulators on pages 20 and 21 will benefit the work of their mission. Crown Jewels is donating the advertising space. Insulators are priced postpaid & insured if mailed to US ...                    [more]


Porcelain Insulator News

   by Elton Gish


As I alluded to in the last PIN, a new and very exciting Fred Locke porcelain insulator has surfaced. It has a very interesting story and an old faded handwritten note to document where it was used. Mike Bliss said he got the insulator from someone in his extended family that has had it for about 20 ...                    [more]


Insulator of the Month - Editor's Pick


Your editor's pick for insulator of the month in July is another from Bob Stahr's collection. The milky swirls in the ears of this "mouse" are striking enough to catch most anyone's attention. All that solid glass in the ears adds to the popularity of CD 257's. Throw in some character such as milky ...                    [more]


Capital Region Antique Bottle & Insulator Club 2003 Show Reports - and 2004 Show Previews

   Show Reports by Kevin Lawless, Photos by Kevin Lawless and Jeff Ullman


The Capital Region Antique Bottle and Insulator Club (CRAB InC) held their 5th Annual Summer Swap Meet on July 26, 2003 at the Visitors Center of the New York State Power Authority in the northern Catskill Mountain hamlet of North Blenheim, New York. Some 55 tables full of insulators, bottles, stoneware, jars ...                    [more]

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