1984 >> September  

Message to readers about contents for this month....



Walla Walla, WA - First Building Built Expressly For Telephone Company



On June 15, 1878, the Bell Telephones received by S. G. Whitman were put in operation in Walla Walla, one being placed in the express office, the other in the Post Office. Much pleasure and astonishment were caused by its workings, which though not perfect, were quite clear. A telephone was attached to the O.S.N. company's ...                    [more]


Murphy's Laws of Insulator Collecting

   by Matt Leissring

  1. If there is a row of 14 aqua Hemingray-42's and 1 purple California on your window sill, your pet will invariably knock over the California.
  2. The rarest insulator will always be at the bottom of the box.
  3. No matter when you discover that old telephone or ...                    [more]


Foreign Insulators

   by Marilyn Albers



My column in the July '84 issue of Crown Jewels included a letter from Don Fiene (Knoxville, TN), which said he would be going to Russia in June. When he returned, he wrote me this delightful account of his travels, and, of course, ...                    [more]


Those "Singing Wires" Won't Be Singing Anymore

   by Vic & Lynn Sumner


It has been with a great sense of nostalgia and regret that I've watched our open-wire lines coming down all over the country. 

Since soon after World War II the Bell companies have been on a vigorous program of replacing these early lines with more modern and efficient telecommunication systems. The independent ...                    [more]

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