1987 >> September  

Message to readers about contents for this month....



Up And Down The Spiral Trail

   by Robert L. Winkler


It was towards the fall of 1971 that I received my first copy of the book Porcelain Insulators and How They Grew by Brent Mills. On page 121 of the chapter covering the history of the Jeffery DeWitt Co., a photo and brief historical account of the development of the "spiral Type" line insulator was first introduced to me. I was ...                    [more]


Foreign Insulators

   by Marilyn Albers



For quite some time we have known of Dalian Porcelain Insulator Works, located in the town of the same name in China. The plant manufactures insulators for the China National Machinery & Equipment Import & Export Corporation ...                    [more]


O.V.G. - Conclusive Findings

   by Bob Harding


In response to an article by Mr. N. R. Woodward in the May, 1987, issue of CROWN JEWELS (page 6), I would like to offer the following information and story.

The location of the factory that produced the insulators embossed O.V.G.CO. has been known by some of us for quite some time. Among the first to discover ...                    [more]


MAC's Believe It Or Not!




When I arrived at Houston's Hobby Airport, I was met by Mrs. Mac's hug and kiss and an excited "you'll NEVER guess what insulator showed up here at the Central Regional?!?!" This "BELIEVE IT OR NOT" story I share ...                    [more]

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