1995 >> September  

Message to readers about contents for this month....



Treasured Finds From Okinawa

   by Heidi Parfitt


My family and I have just returned from a two year Navy tour in Okinawa, Japan. I was fortunate to be able to find some interesting porcelain pieces, some nice bottles, and start a collection of Japanese glass fishing floats.

The insulators in use today are all porcelain, and relatively new. The poles ...                    [more]


Porcelain Insulator News

   by Elton Gish


Many interesting reports continue to come in as well as many that are the result of the extensive survey of more than 30 collectors who helped with the new porcelain insulator Value Guide. Insulator shows always produce new or unusual items, too. You can share in the excitement of discovery by attending a ...                    [more]

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